4th PAMIR, 2024
Today: Friday 07 Feb 2025
Closing Date : Friday 14 Jun 2024


Best Author Award: FIAP light Blue Badge, Jesus Manuel GARCIA FLORES, AFIAP, Spain

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FIAP Gold MedalHuba BajuszBlue Heron Frisk 1080Hungary/ Szeged
PSA Gold Medal (Best of Show)Risto Raunio (EFIAP)This is my dinnerFinland/ Naantali
FIAP RibbonMing Hsiu Chenbrood0211aTaiwan/ Yuanlin City
FIAP RibbonJesus Manuel Garcia Flores (EFIAP)Blue DiamondsSpain/ Torrijos
FPC Bronze MedalChi Kun Choi (EPSA - PPSA)Food search at nightHong Kong/ Zhuhai
Honorable MentionDavide ArestiKentish plover familyItaly/ Ravenna
Honorable MentionZoltan BiroCold BreatheHungary/ Godollo
Honorable MentionChing Ching Chan (EFIAP/g - MPSA)Skilled 014Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Honorable MentionTerry GeorgeCheetahs Feeding on WildebeestEngland/ Tenterden
Honorable MentionAli SaghafiWet jackalsIran/ Hamedan
Honorable MentionDavid SomalichowPengues ready to jumpIndonesia/ Jakarta
Honorable MentionMustafa Tezel (AFIAP)Canyon1Turkey/ Ankara


Wendy Anne Allard (EFIAP/g - PPSA)On the StumpEngland/ Camborne
Andreas L Andreou (HonEFIAP - EFIAP/d3)GiraffesCyprus/ Strovolos
Davide ArestiKentish plover family (Honorable Mention)Italy/ Ravenna
Behzad AzimiNudeIran/ Tabriz
Behzad AzimiyellowIran/ Tabriz
Huba BajuszBlue Heron Frisk 1080 (FIAP Gold Medal)Hungary/ Szeged
Huba BajuszBlue Heron contra Great EgretHungary/ Szeged
Huba BajuszBig Breath Blue HeronHungary/ Szeged
Zoltan BiroDouble AttackHungary/ Godollo
Zoltan BiroUp the StairsHungary/ Godollo
Zoltan BiroFeel the PowerHungary/ Godollo
Zoltan BiroCold Breathe (Honorable Mention)Hungary/ Godollo
Margaret Boike (APSA - MPSA)Banded Tussock Moth CaterpillarUSA/ Lindstrom
Ursula Bruder (EFIAP/d2 - EPSA)Lofoten Aurora mirror 1Germany/ Hausham
Ursula Bruder (EFIAP/d2 - EPSA)Lofoten shore 2Germany/ Hausham
Ching Ching Chan (EFIAP/g - MPSA)Skilled 014 (Honorable Mention)Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)Me firstHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Diana Chan (EFIAP - MPSA)BingoHong Kong/ Hong Kong
Wing Ho ChanSunbird 03Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Ching Ching Chan (EFIAP/g - MPSA)Flawless Bite 004Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Ching Ching Chan (EFIAP/g - MPSA)Skilled 001Hong Kong/ Hong Kong
Ming Hsiu Chenbrood0129aTaiwan/ Yuanlin City
Ming Hsiu Chenbrood0211a (FIAP Ribbon)Taiwan/ Yuanlin City
Chi Kun Choi (EPSA - PPSA)Food search at night (FPC Bronze Medal)Hong Kong/ Zhuhai
Chi Kun Choi (EPSA - PPSA)Mothers CareHong Kong/ Zhuhai
Stephanie Cook (EFIAP/b)Dust bathEngland/ South Milford Leeds
Stephanie Cook (EFIAP/b)Looking at youEngland/ South Milford Leeds
Stephanie Cook (EFIAP/b)Red squirrel drinkingEngland/ South Milford Leeds
Janos Danis (EFIAP/p)DeterminationHungary/ Godollo
Hosein Davoodi (AFIAP)FlamingoIran/ Jolfa
Roberto De Leonardis (EFIAP/p - EPSA)Argentina179Italy/ Parabiago Milano
Coupeau Didierguepier en volFrance/ Avanton
Mahdi Eshaghi Ghalibaf (EFIAP)SargopaIran/ Mashhad
Mahdi Eshaghi Ghalibaf (EFIAP)Salt bowlIran/ Mashhad
Milad FalahibadabsurtIran/ Tehran
Milad FalahidamavandIran/ Tehran
Jesus Manuel Garcia Flores (EFIAP)OtzarretaSpain/ Torrijos
Jesus Manuel Garcia Flores (EFIAP)Dreamy nightSpain/ Torrijos
Jesus Manuel Garcia Flores (EFIAP)Blue Diamonds (FIAP Ribbon)Spain/ Torrijos
Terry GeorgeCheetahs Feeding on Wildebeest (Honorable Mention)England/ Tenterden
Terry GeorgeHyena Family BondingEngland/ Tenterden
Terry GeorgeLeopard on the MaasaiEngland/ Tenterden
Oveis GhaffariThe Shirabad waterfallIran/ Gorgan
Peter Goetztwo friendsGermany/ Frankfurt Am Main
Peter GoetzHey youGermany/ Frankfurt Am Main
Gaby GrohovazWaterlilly close upSouth Africa/ Honeydew
Abbas Haji Hosain Kalantar (EFIAP)Quebec HabitatIran/ Karaj
Herdis Halvas Nielsen (GMPSA - AFIAP)Flying EgretGermany/ Flensburg
Herdis Halvas Nielsen (GMPSA - AFIAP)Fighting Ice BearsGermany/ Flensburg
Ata Hassanzadeh DastforoushAura Of Wasp Life 2Iran/ Urmia
Seyed Reza Javadi (EFIAP)smilingIran/ Mashhad
Seyed Reza Javadi (EFIAP)black kiteIran/ Mashhad
Seyed Reza Javadi (EFIAP)glossy lbisIran/ Mashhad
Dave Jowitt (EFIAP)Trio of TealWales/ Gwernaffield
Mohammad Ali KhorasaniColor FestivalIran/ Gorgan
Christian Kieffer (GMPSA)Halerbaach 2021 autumn 38Luxembourg/ Beaufort
Dawn Kirk (AFIAP)Alpine ParrotNew Zealand/ Christchurch
Dawn Kirk (AFIAP)The OfferingNew Zealand/ Christchurch
Hank KoGeothermal New ZealandUSA/ Monterey Park
Hank KoI got youUSA/ Monterey Park
Seyed Shahabeddin Montazeri (EFIAP)Desert lineIran/ Esfahan
Ken Murphy (APSA - MPSA - EFIAP/b)Two Osprey Chicks with MomUSA/ Great Falls
Chi Fun Fanny Ng (EPSA)Arctic Fox 01Hong Kong/ Zhuhai
Chi Fun Fanny Ng (EPSA)Outstanding from the RestHong Kong/ Zhuhai
Ha Phi Thi ThuBeadedVietnam/ Ho Chi Minh
Ha Phi Thi ThuDating SpringVietnam/ Ho Chi Minh
Ha Phi Thi ThuKiss of DeathVietnam/ Ho Chi Minh
Yasha Skanda RachakondaEgret takeoffUSA/ Morganville
Risto Raunio (EFIAP)This is my dinner (PSA Gold Medal (Best of Show))Finland/ Naantali
Risto Raunio (EFIAP)Emperor feeding timeFinland/ Naantali
Risto Raunio (EFIAP)Emperor penguinsFinland/ Naantali
Risto Raunio (EFIAP)Emperors look at rightFinland/ Naantali
Biggio Roberto (EFIAP/b)FAGRADALSFJALL ICELANDItaly/ Chiavari
Veniero Rubboli (EFIAP/d3)Natural connection 7Italy/ Ravenna
Seyed Mojtaba SadighiemigrationIran/ Babolsar
Seyed Mojtaba SadighigrusIran/ Babolsar
Ali SaghafiEuropean RobinIran/ Hamedan
Ali SaghafiBlack winged kite and huntingIran/ Hamedan
Ali SaghafiWet jackals (Honorable Mention)Iran/ Hamedan
Ruediger Schulz (PPSA)Blue MatingGermany/ Zittau
Ruediger Schulz (PPSA)HugsGermany/ Zittau
Ruediger Schulz (PPSA)Blue tit in snowGermany/ Zittau
Ajar Setiadi (EFIAP/b - MPSA)gotchaIndonesia/ Bogor
Thirumalai Ganesh Sheerapathi (EFIAP/g - PPSA)FlymatesUnited Arab Emirates/ Al Ain
Charles ShepherdI'm sure I left it hereEngland/ Hull
Charles ShepherdPuffin with sand eelsEngland/ Hull
David SomalichowResting on iceIndonesia/ Jakarta
David SomalichowPengues ready to jump (Honorable Mention)Indonesia/ Jakarta
Pieter Swart (EFIAP)Almost GoneSouth Africa/ Malmesbury
Mark Taylor (EFIAP/s)Triumphant puffinRepublic of Ireland/ Dunshaughlin
Jamaleddin TeymouridamavandIran/ Tehran
Mustafa Tezel (AFIAP)Cayirhan8Turkey/ Ankara
Mustafa Tezel (AFIAP)Canyon1 (Honorable Mention)Turkey/ Ankara
Yichi WangAn unstoppable kissChina/ Zhuhai
Yichi WangChaseChina/ Zhuhai
Jennifer Margaret Webster (EFIAP - EPSA)Badger ReflectionEngland/ Worcester
Jennifer Margaret Webster (EFIAP - EPSA)Grizzly Bear in soft groundEngland/ Worcester
David Woodcock (EFIAP)Masai Mara HipposAustralia/ Neerim East
David Woodcock (EFIAP)Elephant HuddleAustralia/ Neerim East
Iman Yadmellat (AFIAP)Pass openingIran/ Shiraz
John ZimmermanMale Cardinal EncounterCanada/ Montreal